Once a rider… Always a rider…

3 min readApr 14, 2021


Is riding bikes truly a passion for me? My answer to this question is simply No! For me, it’s not just a passion, but meeting your inner soul. It is that feeling when you ask yourself “who am I? How do you see the world?”

Getting out on my bike and going for a ride to an undiscovered location is like a therapy. By passing every twists and turns on the way, a cool breeze hitting on your face, you get a sense of sovereignty leaving behind all your stress and worries.

Riding in a group carries a discipline and the sense of brotherhood. I prefer solo riding over group. When you riding solo, you feel like a free bird who is on his own terms. It gives me ability to free my mind and just enjoy the moment. I know it implies to many of you as well.

“Riding a bike is like an Art, A thing you do because you feel something inside”

— — Valentino Rossi.

Passion always comes from inside and if you think you are a passionate to some degree that designates you truly know yourself. Knowing yourself means knowing your dreams and knowing your dreams means knowing your true life purpose. Purpose can direct life choices, offer a sense of direction, and build meaning. It takes lot of hard work to achieve your dreams.

So if you think you are a passionate rider then ask yourself “Are you really following your dreams?” I know many of you won’t agree with my logic but for me riding motorcycle is like following my dreams.

To sum it up, my compassion for riding bikes will always be there in spite of how much time passes. This passion for biking has got me so many reminiscences that a handful folks know about it, and they always get amazed when I discourse about this.

So if you eternally want to get a bike don’t think much about the danger, just think about the amount of pleasure and adrenaline that you are going to get with it. Do what you have likings for otherwise you are going to regret about the things that you have never done or the dreams that you couldn’t make true.

I will not deny that bikes are cool, fun and cost effective, but riding a bike is riskier than driving a car. To enjoy rides without incident, follow basic safety practices. To make sure you stay on the safe side, wear proper riding/safety gears like helmet, riding jacket, gloves and boots. I follow it very strictly…

I will not deny that bikes are cool, fun and cost effective, but riding a bike is riskier than driving a car. To enjoy rides without incident, follow basic safety practices. To make sure you stay on the safe side, wear proper riding/safety gears like helmet, riding jacket, gloves and boots. I follow it very strictly…




Written by Niteen

A hardcore biker, Amazon Cloud Solution Architect, Google Certified Cloud Engineer, Microsoft Certified … Instagram : @niteen82

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